Since being founded in 2009, CommunityAid has given back more than $20 million to local human service, religious, and first responder nonprofit organizations.
We can – and want to – have even more of an impact; however, we need you to help us with one major hurdle that’s standing in our way: dumping.
What is dumping?
At CommunityAid, we define dumping as the act of leaving anything outside of a bin or store; this includes clothing, shoes, mattresses, household items, and more. Items* should only be left at a bin if there is room to safely place them in the bin. If there is no room, every thrift store has a Donation Center that accepts in-person drop offs.
*We strongly encourage only clothing and shoes to be left in bins to avoid damage and for safety reasons.
The Impact of Dumping
In 2020, CommunityAid spent $260,000 on trash removal from bins. When donations are left outside of bins - regardless of their initial condition - they must be disposed of due to the high risk of contamination from weather, animals, or other external elements.
Our 2020 garbage collection translated to an estimated 500,000 pounds of donations taken to the landfill. This is equal to approximately 18 full dump trucks.
Every dollar spent on trash removal is a dollar taken away from a local nonprofit partner. CommunityAid supports more than 500 local nonprofits through donations and sales. Our trash removal costs represent 47% of what we gave back in 2020.
What is CommunityAid doing to address this issue?
It’s our hope that this campaign will raise more attention and awareness to the pain that has been caused by this ongoing issue. We’re engaging a variety of channels to make sure the word is spread as broadly and effectively as possible.
In the summer of 2021, CommunityAid’s logistics team restructured its operations to efficiently redesign bin servicing routes so that bins are serviced at least weekly and sometimes more at more popular locations. Nonprofit bin partners are requested to help maintain overflow by storing items inside of their premises until the next service day is complete. An updated online bin map is now made available to the public to share more options for bin drop offs in the event that a bin is full.
CommunityAid has a supportive network of media vendors across the Central PA region. We’ve engaged this group of supporters to help us spread the word through their radio, print, television, and digital channels.
LNP | Lancaster Online, 9/13/2021
The Daily Item, 9/16/2021
CBS21, 9/21/2021
CBS21 Facebook Live, 9/21/2021
It Starts With YOU!
Inspired by tithing from the Bible, CommunityAid strives to give back 10% of sales to our partners annually.
We can only do this if we have quality items that can be sold in our thrift stores.
Here’s how you can help your community with CommunityAid:
Donate at the Bin: Please only put clothing and shoe donations inside of the bin. Do not leave anything outside of the bin.
Donate at the Store: If there is no room in a bin, drop off your donations at your closest store. We’ll also take your small household and other non-clothing items there, too!
Shop: CommunityAid has over 3,500 new-to-you items on the floor daily. Shop for the good of your community!